You must get at least 16 out of 20 correct to pass. Good-luck!

1. Which of the following is the doctrine of res judicata most closely related?

double jeopardy
none of the above

2. A violation of this kind of law harms an individual, not the community.

criminal law
civil law
both of the above
none of the above

3. True or false? A paralegal should not give legal advice.


4. A complaint is an example of:

an instrument
a pleading

5. When an attorney refers to process, he or she is most likely referring to what?

the discovery process
the service of the summons and complaint upon the defendant
the service of a subpoena upon a witness
none of the above

6. Jurisdiction over a controversy is what?

in personam
in rem
quasi in rem
in quasi moto

7. True or False? An answer is usually filed by a defendant.


8. Interrogatories are a form of:


9. This is the kind of hearing where only one party is present.

ex parte hearing
sole practitioner
solo delecti
none of the above

10. This means a party generally can re-file a legal action, since the matter was dismissed for procedural reasons.

subpoena duces tecum
dismissal with prejudice
dismissal without prejudice

11. True or False? Pleadings are generally not filed in court.


12. A fact agreed upon by all parties to the action, that will not be disputed in court.

ex parte

13. In criminal cases, the issue is a matter of:

guilt or innocence
none of the above

14. Which of the following is an accurate statement?

a trial level court never has a jury
an appellate level court may or may not have a jury
an appellate level court does not have a jury or witnesses
none of the above

15. True or False? Federal courts have jurisdiction over diversity cases.


16.In order to constitute a diversity case, the matter must:

involve parties from different states
ask for damages in excess of an amount set by federal statute (at the time of this writing, $75,000)
both of the above

17. Who is the plaintiff in a criminal matter?

an individual
the government
both of the above could be plaintiff
none of the above could be plaintiff

18. The burden of proof (also called standard of proof) in a civil case is:

by a predisposition of the evidence
beyond a reasonable doubt
by a preponderance of the evidence
beyond unreasonable doubt

19. True or False? A paralegal can sometimes provide limited legal advice.


20. This is the point where a series of incidents begins, and where those incidents result in an event where damages occur.

probable cause
proximate cause
burden of proof