Chapter 7.1
Main Page
Chapter 7.2
Main Page
Exercise: Introduction to Evidence
Exercise: Evidence in General
Exercise: Evidence: Direct or Circumstantial?
Chapter 7.3
Main Page
Chapter 7.4
Main Page
Exercise: Rules of Court
Exercise: Researching Court Rules
Chapter 7.5
Main Page
Demonstration: Hearsay
Exercise: Hearsay
Chapter 7.6
Main Page
Exercise: Privileges
Chapter 8.1
Main Page
Exercise: Terms of Investigation
Exercise: Investigation
Chapter 8.2
Main Page
Chapter 8.3
Main Page
Exercise: Investigation
Exercise: Witness Interviews
Chapter 8.4
Main Page
Chapter 8.5
Main Page
Chapter 9.1
Main Page
Chapter 9.2
Main Page
Chapter 9.3
Main Page
Exercise: Legal Interviewing
Chapter 10.1
Main Page
Chapter 10.2
Main Page
ViewPoint: State Citations Long Form
Citation Lab: State Long Form
Chapter 10.3
Main Page
ViewPoint: State Citations Short Form
Citation Lab: State Long Form
Interactive Demonstration: State Citations
Chapter 10.4
Main Page
ViewPoint: Federal District Court Citations
ViewPoint: Federal Circuit Court Citations
ViewPoint: Federal Supreme Court Citations
Citation Lab: State Long Form
Interactive Demonstration: Federal Citations
Chapter 10.5
Main Page
Chapter 10.6
Main Page
ViewPoint: Structure of Citations to Federal Statutes
Chapter 10.7
Main Page
Chapter 11.1
Main Page
Chapter 11.2
Main Page
Exercise: Tasks of Litigation
Exercise: Stages of Litigation
Chapter 11.3
Main Page
Exercise: Trial Notebook
Chapter 11.4
Main Page
Chapter 11.5
Main Page
Exercise: Arbitration
Chapter 11.6
Main Page
Chapter 12.1
Main Page
Chapter 12.2
Main Page
Chapter 12.3
Main Page
Chapter 12.4
Main Page
Main Page
Quizlet: Evidence
Quizlet: Interviewing
Quizlet: Introduction to Citations
Quizlet: Citation Form
Quizlet: Hearsay Basics
Quizlet: Stages of Litigation
Quizlet: Litigation Review
Quizlet: Review 1
Quizlet: Review 2
Segment Portal Quiz