Alternate Legal Writing Lab Access
The following page includes links to text has been extracted from the Legal Writing Labs for the written assignments in your program. In addition, links that open up the template text editor have been included, as well as links to Word documents, in case your system does not find the Template Text Editor user-friendly.

Good luck!


Document Instruction Text Template Text Editor Template in Word
Demand Letter Demand Letter Instructions Demand Letter Template Editor Demand Letter Word Template
Client Letter Client Letter Instructions Client Letter Template Editor Client Letter Word Template
Interoffice Memorandum Memorandum Instructions Memorandum Template Editor Memorandum Word Template
Summons Summons Instructions Summons Template Editor Summons Word Template
Complaint Complaint Instructions Complaint Template Editor Complaint Word Template
Interrogatories Interrogatory Instructions Interrogatory Template Editor Interrogatory Word Template
Request for Admissions Admissions Instructions Admissions Template Editor Admissions Word Template
Request for Production Production Instructions Production Template Editor Production Word Template
Motion Motion Instructions Motion Template Editor Motion Word Template
Trial Brief Trial Brief Instructions Trial Brief Template Editor Trial Brief Word Template

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