Segment B Mock Exams
Are you ready?


Mock Exams


Warning: Only take the Mock Exams after you have read all assigned chapters in the manual and completed all study support on this website for this Segment.

You should also have completed the Quizlets on the Segment Wrap-up Page, and passed the Segment Portal Quiz.

If you have accomplished all of the above, you should be ready for the Mock Exams below. After taking the Mock Exams, focus the scope of your study on the questions you answered incorrectly.

You may take the Mock Exams as many times as you like. They are not sent to your instructor or the university.

Good Luck!

InterActive Study

Mock Exams

Introduction to Authority

Introduction to Legal Research

Introduction to Online Legal Research

Introduction to Legal Writing

Segment B Combined Mock Exam A

Segment B Combined Mock Exam B