Another View:

A pinpoint citation, also known as a pincite, directs readers to the specific portion (page or footnote, for example) of a source that supports a stated proposition.

For a source in which the first page is identified in the citation (such as a case or law review article), the pinpoint citation is located immediately after and separated by a comma and one space:

But for a source such as a statute or book, the pinpoint citation is found directly after the title:

Certainly, a pinpoint citation is not necessary if a lawyer is referring to a source in its entirety.

I’m the type of lawyer that will check all citations in others’ documents to verify that they indeed accurately support their propositions; and when pinpoint citations are absent, this can be grueling work. Whether lawyers exclude pinpoint citations because of carelessness, hardship, or even a deliberate attempt to frustrate their opponents, they must realize that they are negatively affecting their target audience: the court.
