Segment B

Segment B

Volume 2, Chapters 1 - 3

  • Segment ProgressBar

    Now that we have laid a foundation in legal terminology, and understand the court system, we can begin the process of developing skills that require knowledge related to those areas. Specifically, legal research and legal writing. To do this, we must switch to Essential Skills for Paralegals Volume 2.


    • - To be able to identify various forms of authority
    • - To learn the IRAC system of legal analysis
    • - To be able to prepare a legal memorandum
    • - To learn how to read cases and statutes
    • - Begin to understand the system of legal research
    • - To be able to utilize legal encyclopedias, and have a general understanding of the law library, Westlaw, and Lexis

Research and
As students progress through this Segment, they will have the following assignments that must be completed before continuing to Segment C:

Demand Letter
A letter demanding specific compensation by a specific time from the potential defendant.

Client Correspondence
A letter informing your client that the demand letter has been sent.

Interoffice Memorandum
Students must prepare an Interoffice Memorandum. While students will prepare the memorandum as though it relates to their client, no research is required. The issues are provided in the assignment and all the cases and statutes needed are in the appendix in the back of the Volume.

Students will also be expected to complete the exercises provided for in Chapter 2 in the law library and by using Westlaw and Lexis, but these assignments are not turned in. In addition, students must keep track of their billable hours while working on any research and writing assignments, and turn in billable hour sheets with the written assignments.

Legal Movie Recommendation