Chapter 2 - The Foundations of Legal Research


Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.)

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  • Volume of Corpus Juris Secundum


    Corpus Juris Secundum has the following key points:

    C.J.S. is a national legal encyclopedia
    As an encyclopedia, C.J.S. discusses almost every area of law, then refers the researcher to other forms of authority (including law) through the footnotes.

    Always start in the index
    C.J.S. has a multi-volume index titled the General Index.

    C.J.S. is published by West Publishing Company This is important because West generally utilizes a special research system called the Key Number System. Unfortunately, West chose not to fully incorporate this system into C.J.S. However, more recent editions of C.J.S. do refer to relevant Key Numbers. You will become familiar with this later.

    C.J.S. is secondary authority
    Because it is not law, C.J.S. is considered secondary authority.

    Thumbnail for Demonstration
    CLICK HERE for an Introductory Tour of C.J.S.

    Lecture Notes . . .

    Corpus Juris Secundum
    As with the previous Am. Jur. 2d exercise, it's very important that you read all the information provided in this exercise, then answer the Assignment questions as you go.

    The common way to refer to this set of books is by the initials: C.J.S.

    As mentioned in this exercise, C.J.S. is published by West Publishing Company. Am. Jur. 2d is published by Lawyer's Cooperative Publishing Company. But why is it important for you to know that?

    The reason is simple. They use two very different, but very good, research systems. Publications by West utilize the Key Number System. Publications by Lawyer's Cooperative are part of the Total Client Service Library research system. Knowing this difference will make you a better researcher as we expand into different research materials later in the program.

    Thumbnail for ViewPoint
    Compare Am. Jur. 2d and C.J.S.

    Commonly Asked Questions . . .

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    Law Library Lab . . .

    We recommend that you use the Law Library Lab for C.J.S. both before starting the law library exercises and after you have completed the exercises (for review). You can always revisit the Labs. Just click on the Labs button and navigate to C.J.S., or select from the options below:

    CLICK HERE for the C.J.S. Lab (Flash Required)

    CLICK HERE for the C.J.S. Lab (Non-Flash)

    If you have problems viewing the Law Library Lab in Internet Explorer, try the following:

    1. Click on Tools
    2. Click on Compatibility View

    In some versions of Internet Explorer, you can simple click on the green Compatibility View icon to the right of the address bar. It has the appearance of a broken page.

    CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A TIME SHEET that automatically adds up your billable hours. You should keep track of any research or writing you perform on behalf of your client, including training exercises and assignments in this program.

    Exercise Answers

    Click the Answers tab to reveal suggested responses to the exercise in this section of the textbook.

    But don't look until you have attempted to complete the exercise first.