Segment C

Segment C

Volume 1, Chapters 7 - 12

  • Segment ProgressBar
  • We now come back to Volume 1 to further develop skills primarily used in litigation, but transferable to almost any area of law. Skills such as interviewing, law office-based investigation, citation form, and conceptualizing various forms of evidence such as direct, circumstantial, and hearsay evidence. And much more.

    You were introduced to the law in the previous Segment. Those were forms of law. That Segment included finding the law (research), using the law (writing), and applying the law (analysis).

    In Segment C, we will discuss, not just the law, but also facts. Finding facts (investigation and interviewing). Using facts (evidence and procedure). Skills relevant to litigation.

    When a matter goes to court, the law must be applied to the facts. Therefore, the better command one side has of the facts, the more likely that side is to succeed at trial. This is where the two start coming together.


    • To learn how to conduct an interview of a client or witness
    • To have a fundamental understanding of law office investigation
    • Gain the ability to use procedural rules, such as the hearsay rule, to determine admissibility
    • The foundations of citation form

Research and

Interview Questions (Volume I, Chapter 9.3a)
Students must prepare a set of interview questions, including Pre-Event, Event, and Post Event questions. The interview may be of your client, or you may fabricate a witness to be interviewed.

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