Segment C Wrap-Up

Segment C Wrap-Up

Quizlets and Mock Exams

  • Segment ProgressBar

    Try the quizlets on this page. After you feel comfortable with them, take the Segment Portal Quiz below. If you pass that quiz, you should be ready for the Mock Exams.




    Introduction to Citations

    Citation Form

    Hearsay Basics

    Stages of Litigation

    Litigation Review

    Review 1

    Review 2


    Where Have You Been?

    Segment Pages
    This tool helps ensure that you have visited all pages and study support tools within this Segment.

    When you click on the Segment Pages tab you will see a list of the support pages and tools. Those with GREEN DOTS next to them are the pages you have visited. Those with RED DOTS should be checked to make sure you have used that material. To visit a page, just click on its corresponding RED or GREEN DOT.

    Once all the DOTS are GREEN, you are ready to proceed to the Portal Quiz.

    NOTE: This tool requires that your browser allow Cookies. If none of the DOTS turn GREEN after visiting a page, try going to your browser's Security Settings and making sure Cookies are allowed. But even if your browser does not turn all the DOTS the appropriate color, you can still use this tool to make sure you visit all support pages in this Segment. Google Chrome is the recommended browser.

    Portal Quiz


    Prior to taking the Mock Exams, CLICK HERE to take the Segment Portal Quiz If you pass, you are ready!

    Mock Exams

    Only take the Mock Exams after you have read all assigned chapters in the manual and completed all study support on this website for this Segment. You should also have passed all of the Quizlets and the Segment Portal Quiz above.

    If you have accomplished all of the above, you should be ready for the Mock Exams below. After taking the Mock Exams, focus the scope of your study on the questions you answered incorrectly. You may take the Mock Exams as many times as you like. They are not sent to your instructor or the university.

    Good Luck!

    Evidence and Investigation



    Combined Test Prep Exam A

    Combined Test Prep Exam B

    Legal Movie Review

    • Segment ProgressBar - Final Report