Volume II, Chapter §9.2
Legal Writing: Motions, Notices, & Briefs




One of the most important words in law: Notice. It indicates that a procedural requirement is being fulfilled. A notice can be a verb ("The defendant is being noticed as to our intent.") or it can be a noun ("I am including a notice of this action.") In this section, the notice informs the other party that a motion has been filed in court.


Lecture Notes . . .

A Notice is filed with the court and sent to the opposing party to inform them that a response of some sort is due, or that a hearing is being set to argue the points in the Motion.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Time Sheets
Click on the examples of Time Sheets below to zoom in and compare. Yours should look like the Good example.

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The Good
The Bad
The Ugly

Time Sheet Download
Click here to download a Time Sheet that automatically adds up your billable hours. You should keep track of any research or writing you do on behalf of your client, including the written assignments in this chapter.